What Is Breast Reconstruction Revision?

Patients who have had breast reconstruction in a previous procedure may require revisionary surgery or additional procedures to improve appearance, correct a deformity, alleviate pain, or achieve better symmetry. Revision surgery can happen at any time following initial breast reconstructive surgery.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Anyone unhappy with the results of their breast reconstruction surgery or anyone with pain, discomfort, firmness, deformity, asymmetry, poor results from the original surgery, or complications from prior breast surgery may want to consider a breast reconstruction revision.

How Long Is the Recovery?

Women can expect the recovery to take from one to two weeks. Swelling and tenderness are common. While the technique is normally less painful than the original reconstruction, moderate discomfort is normal. Most women will feel well enough to return to work in seven to 10 days, sometimes less.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact Dr. Lindsey Webb by calling (404) 661-6865 or filling out our online contact form.